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Bonus #1: Essentially Happy Course

You Deserve to Be Happy!

Did you know that there are over 350 million people suffering from depression worldwide? Research shows that nearly every household in America is affected by some sort of mood-related clinical diagnosis. In addition to that, each of us is susceptible to physiologically painful emotions including:

  • sadness

  • guilt

  • fear

  • feelings of unworthiness

  • feelings of inadequacy

  • feelings of being overwhelmed

  • feeling alone

Are you suffering regularly from any of these? Are you tired of seeking happiness in places where it can never be found (through consumerism, drugs, addictive behaviors, weight loss programs, work or isolation)? Are you frustrated at friends and family members who tell you to just be happy?

Where is Happiness?

The GREAT news is that through Rebecca Hintze's research she's discovered powerful tools that can change your emotional pain! And as part of this program, you get access to her 10 part course for FREE!  We are so excited to  share these video's with you…


Can you imagine feeling surrounded in confidence, hope, love and true happiness? What would tomorrow feel like if you could look forward to engaging with the world around you and being filled with light!


It's best to watch the below video's in sequence, then return to them individually as needed for review.  The password for each video is Happy4Life.  Enjoy this Free gift to you! 

Video #1: Essentially Happy Course

Video #3: Essentially Happy Course

Video #5: Essentially Happy Course

Video #7: Essentially Happy Course

Video #9: Essentially Happy Course

Video #2: Essentially Happy Course

Video #4: Essentially Happy Course

Video #6: Essentially Happy Course

Video #8: Essentially Happy Course

Video #10: Essentially Happy Course

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